Week 08: Electronic Design

Grupal Assigment


  • Voltage: Measures electrical pressure in a circuit.
  • Current: Determines the flow of electricity.
  • Resistance: Gauges how much a circuit component resists electricity flow.


  • Visual Representation: Displays voltage changes over time in waveform graphs.
  • Detailed Analysis: Essential for examining rapid voltage changes and pulse timing.

Electronic Testing on Quentorres Puebla Edition

  • Continuity Measurement
  • Resistance Measurement (e.g., R5 resistor)
  • Diode Testing (e.g., LED D2)
  • Voltage Measurement (e.g., 5.172V)
  • Oscilloscope Testing with Code (e.g., no delay blink, PWM signal, UART communication, sine wave)

Fab House Process

Designed an ESP32-based remote-controlled car. Sent PCB design to SEEED Studio's Fusion service.

Gerber Files and PCB Production

  • Created and reviewed Gerber files for PCB design.
  • Uploaded files to Gerber viewer and sent to FUSION for production.
  • Received and soldered PCB.


EDA Tools Overview

Other EDA Tools

Several Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools are available for designing PCBs. Here are some popular ones:

  • Altium Designer:
    • Comprehensive, high-end EDA tool used by many professional engineers.
    • Features advanced capabilities like 3D modeling, high-speed design, and extensive component libraries.
  • Eagle (by Autodesk):
    • Widely used, especially among hobbyists and small businesses.
    • Offers integration with Fusion 360 for mechanical design.
    • Provides a free version with limited board size and layers.
  • OrCAD:
    • Another high-end tool with powerful simulation and analysis features.
    • Often used in industry for complex PCB designs.
    • Known for its detailed and accurate signal integrity analysis.
  • Proteus:
    • Combines schematic capture, simulation, and PCB layout.
    • Popular for its ease of use and integrated microcontroller simulation.
  • DipTrace:
    • User-friendly interface with advanced features.
    • Supports both schematic capture and PCB layout.
    • Offers a free version for small-scale projects.
  • Fritzing:
    • Simplified tool aimed at beginners and educators.
    • Allows easy conversion from breadboard layout to PCB design.

Why KiCAD?

For this practice I installed KIKAD for several reasons:

  • Open Source:
    • Completely free with no limitations on board size, layers, or features.
    • Continuously improved by a large community of developers and users.
  • Feature-Rich:
    • Comprehensive suite of tools for schematic capture, PCB layout, 3D visualization, and more.
    • Supports high-end features like differential pairs and length matching for high-speed designs.
  • Cross-Platform:
    • Available on Windows, Linux, and macOS, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
  • Community Support:
    • Extensive documentation, tutorials, and a large user community.
    • Numerous libraries available for components.
  • Professional Capabilities:
    • Used by both hobbyists and professionals.
    • Ability to handle complex multi-layer PCBs.

Date Components for PCB in KiCAD

The "Date Components" command in KiCAD’s schematic editor is indeed a feature to add dates to components, which can be crucial for version control and tracking component usage over time. Here’s how you can access it:

  1. Open Schematic Editor:
    • Launch KiCAD and open your schematic project.
  2. Top Bar Menu:
    • In the schematic editor, you will find the top bar menu where various commands are located.
  3. Tools Menu:
    • Navigate to the "Tools" menu in the top bar.
  4. Date Components Command:
    • In the dropdown, you should find the "Date Components" command.
  5. Usage:
    • This command allows you to add a timestamp or date to components in your schematic. It’s useful for tracking when components were added or modified, helping with documentation and version control.

Kicad Board Design

To start, we open software I and download the Fab Academy library. Then, within the library, we search for the components that the PCB will have in order to group them correctly.

Keep in mind that the first page is just a reference and they don't necessarily have to be organized in the same way.

We then move to the second page and click on "Date components for PCB" in the top bar.

After placing the components, they need to be organized to occupy the desired space. In this case, I wanted to create a series of LEDs surrounding the microcontroller. Therefore, I created two strips of Neopixels, each consisting of five LEDs, and connected them with lines of 0.6mm.

Then, we select the "Trace Line" tool from the toolbar on the left side of the drawing space to create the path between components, ensuring all of them match the first diagram. Thankfully, KiCad provides helpful guidance by specifying how components are connected when you touch them, leading you to where each connection should end.

To trace the margin, create a square and make sure it is on the "Margin" layer, which will appear in a different color. To personalize my PCB further, I added my initials.

Finally, margins are added to them, and they are exported as black and white images in order to create the cutting files

Then save the file as PNG or SVG

The machine I used for this practice was the "ROLAND SRM-20", which has the same bases of functioning as the other two machines (MDX-20 and Lunyee) shown on the group assigment. First you have to

The first step to perform is to enter the webpage in which we can generate the documents to be uploaded to the machine interface. The link is the following: Modsproject

As the first time we need to click Program > Open Program >Roland - mill 2D PCB. to open this page

Invert the image to keep the trces

Then upload the traces and click mill traces 1/64 in the section "Set PCB defaults". Then in Mill raster 2D change offset from 1 to 2. An offset of 2 must be applied, as multiple practical tests with the equipment have demonstrated that it is the most appropriate and In the section of the Roland SRM-20 milling machine, the origins must be set to 0 to correctly interpret the parameters for the machine.You enable this section so when you click "calculate" the rml document is document.

Do the same with the margin

For the margin cut First, the corresponding image (in this case, a PNG) needs to be changed, and the image must be inverted.Instead of selecting "mill tracers," choose "mill outline.Once this is done, change the "tool diameter" to the diameter of the tool to be used, which in this case is 0.8. After this, just click "calculate". Create the rml document

The trace shold look like this

Cutting PCB

In order to cut the PCB i used the same tools as the last time witch you can see in Electronic Pdroduction and a simillar process at Group Assigment of week 4

Package cutters

And this is a beter look of the PCB schematic and how it looks like with out the components to understand where is the machine going to trace and how it may looks like inverted.

  • Start cutting:First we need to ensure that the ROLAND SRM-20 is placed on a stable and flat surface. Connect the machine to a power source and turn it on. Secure the material(in this case the pcb material) onto the milling bed using clamps. Add the archives first trace, then cut and Finally click "Output" and the machine will start working. . At the end you need to clean the dust that the machine left behind and this is how it may look like.

  • Components:

    • 1 Attiny
    • 1o Neopixels
    • 1o Pins
    Material Quiantity
    Attiny 45 1
    Push button 2
    Capacitor 5V 2
    1k Reisitor 1
    Pin headers 8
    Neopixels WS2812B 10
    Arduino UNO 1


    Prepare the area and ensure good ventilation, place the components on a heat-resistant surface and keep any flammable materials away. Ensure they are clean and free of contaminants. Melt a small amount of solder onto the tip of the soldering iron. This is known as tinning and helps with heat transfer.Place the components to be soldered in their correct positions, ensuring a secure fit "

    Once all soldering is complete, turn off the soldering iron and allow it to cool down. and verify with the miltimeter there is conection between the correct component avoiding bridges between the trails to ensure once we are progrming the code downloads correctly. If not we are not able to tell with the multimeter it might show in the PCB board whrn the neopixels start blinking or they dont blink even when you declear the correct amount.


    IMPORTANT to program the Attiny I followed this tutorial Attiny85_FabAcademy Then you need download Adafruit_NeoPixels within Arduino libraries or serch one online and conect the reset/ mosi/ miso/ voltage and ground pins and either open an example neopixels library or copy this code.

    Final Results


    Reflection Summary

    This week, I focused on PCB design using KiCad. I learned to install the necessary libraries, arrange components, and trace connections, creating a custom PCB with LEDs surrounding a microcontroller. This involved meticulous adjustments and organization to ensure the design met the required specifications.

    Challenges and Solutions

    Understanding the component layout and connections in KiCad was challenging. To overcome this, I utilized the library guidance and adjusted the trace lines to ensure proper connections. Additionally, creating accurate margins and exporting files correctly required several iterations to perfect the process.

    Using the "ROLAND SRM-20" machine presented another challenge, as setting the correct offsets and origins was crucial. I referred to practical tests and documentation to fine-tune these settings, ensuring precise milling of the PCB.

    Soldering components with smaller parts and their connections not on the side but underneath them was quite challenging. However, with practice, it seems to get easier, and I ensured they were connected correctly

    Future Applications

    The skills gained in PCB design and milling are invaluable for future electronic projects. Mastery of KiCad and milling machines like the ROLAND SRM-20 will enable the creation of more complex and customized PCBs, enhancing my ability to innovate in electronics design and prototyping.

    Additionally, the soldering and programming skills honed this week will be essential for assembling and testing electronic circuits, ensuring they function as intended and meet project requirements.